Never Back Down(NBD), a leading hardcore live band from northwast China, has officially partnered with Mort Productions and begun to produce its first album.西北绝杀Hardcore現場强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行

Never Back Down(NBD), a leading hardcore live band from northwast China, has officially partnered with Mort Productions and begun to produce its first album.西北绝杀Hardcore現場强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行

西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。

西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。

来自中国西北的强攻型硬核6人团体Never Back Down(NBD)于近日签约号角唱片,这支优秀现场团体将与号角唱片在日后展开一系列演出活动与唱片发行合作。Never Back Down意寓着永不退缩的精神。这支新锐团体的出现已令西北金属界充满热血。

Never Back Down (NBD), an aggressive hardcore 6-member band from northwest China, recently signed Mort Productions. This excellent live band will cooperate with Mort Productions in a series of performance activities and album release in the future. Never Back Down represents the spirit of never flinching. The emergence of this cutting-edge group has made the northwest metal industry full of blood.


西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。

永不退缩Never Back Down(NBD)乐队由主唱秦炯、吉它手闫扬和杨帆、贝司手郭毅鹏、鼓手马媛、采样姚晨光组成。他们是中国西北重型极端金属场景中最硬最燃的中坚力量。

With the adrenaline-filled passion of the aggressive Beatdown Hardcore and their hot-blooded live show filled with dopamine, they have created their most powerful voice tag. The sound dripping Riff combines the Slam rhythm of boxing to the flesh, coupled with the accurate shooting of Breakdown, showing the group's most aggressive and deadly tactics.


西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。

他们以Beatdown Hardcore强攻型硬核充满肾上腺素的无限激情与多巴胺弥漫的热血现场打造出他们最具力量的声音标签。酣畅淋漓的Riff结合拳拳到肉的Slam节奏配以精准点射的Breakdown,展现出这个团体最具攻击力的绝命杀招。


西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。


From the street hardcore to the cruel death metal to the new metal band, the members have worked out a music path of NBD's own from their past experience of forming a band, and have made continuous progress through years of training.

西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。


They burn everyone who follows them with their tough and hardline style. When once again rise in bumps and bruises to take care of everything, when once again raise fists to interpret the unyielding blood, where we stand, where belongs to our world.

西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。


After signing with Mort Productions, NBD began to prepare their first album. We believe this album will meet you in the near future. More information will be released soon, please look forward to it!

西北绝杀Hardcore现场强团(NBD)Never Back Down与号角唱片正式展开合作,首作制作开始进行。

地狱组曲与惘世湮灭 中国交响黑暗金属概念性史诗乐章 10月即将发行
【抽奖送CD】冥界乐队签约ERNIE BALL代言人,共同携手南征北战万叱不屈全国巡演。